Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine
Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine
Words @jthnomad
Photos @yiazyang
“Yes, I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.” – Oscar Wilde
Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine
Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine
Dreams can manifest themselves in many ways, from the surreal to the bizarre. They can be frightening, magical, adventurous, or my personal favorites – the sensual kind. Many cultures such as the ancient Egyptians practiced a form of dream incubation with the intention of cultivating dreams; dreams that are powerful enough to alter the very fabric of reality. 
Photographer Yia Yang has the ability to create a visual narrative that captures your inner dreamscape and bring it forth into the material world. I was first introduced to her work by a wandering shaman friend of mine, Ka Amorastreya. Ka, as part of her spiritual path, crafts these marvelous feather head pieces. Ka and Yang partnered up together to create wondrously powerful imagery that transported me beyond this reality to be sure. As an artist, Yia yearns to bring her dreams into focus and I was curious as to how she goes about doing just that, Enjoy!
Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine
Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine

Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality


Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine
Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine
Justin Howard for Black Chalk – Tell me a little about yourself. Where are you from? What are your interests?
Yia Yang – I am 29 years old, was born and raised in Michigan with 10 siblings. Now my home is in Oklahoma, but with a gypsy heart I travel as much as I can. my interest includes just about anything that makes me happy and it changes often, but nature, animals, photography and any kind of designing has always been a part of my life. 
Black Chalk – What does photography mean to you?
Yia Yang – Photography is more than a passion, it’s my life, it’s my addiction… My drug. It allows me to escape and brings forth my vision and identity. 
Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine
Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine


Black Chalk – When did you realize you wanted to become a photographer?
Yia Yang – High school, freshman year 2003 when i first was introduce to a DSLR in yearbook club. 


Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine
Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine
Black Chalk – What was the first image you ever shot?
Yia Yang – From what I can recall, the first photo I ever took was when I was a youngster around 6-7 years old with my fathers Fuji film camera. I’m not sure what the image was, can’t remember it. 


Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine
Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine
Black Chalk – What do you believe makes a perfect image?
Yia Yang – Every image is perfect, it just depends on the eyes that are looking at the image. Everyone sees differently, that’s the beautiful thing about being human. 
Black Chalk – Do you consider yourself an artist?
Yia Yang – I do consider myself as an artist. 
Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine
Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine


Black Chalk – How long does it usually take you to create a series of images? Describe the general process you go through to create a photo shoot.
Yia Yang – Oh, this is a tough question. Sometimes it takes me a day and other times it takes me over a year. when an image/idea comes to mind I start first off going through my head trying to find the model with perfect face and body structure. If I can’t find one I put out a model call. From there I throw the idea out and if they agree I proceed to the next step which is fining locations, sourcing outfits, MUA, hairstylist and finally the date. On the day of the shoot if the weather isn’t playing nice we will try to reschedule, but if we can’t then the shoot will go on. I’ve done sessions with in the midst of a hurricane, tornado, snow storm, rain of course and even have shot in below zero degree temps. The editing process can take a day to months. I don’t have a specific style of editing, so it’s what the image calls for. 


Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine
Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine
Black Chalk – What matters to you most as a photographer?
Yia Yang – Like most photographers, it’s about telling a story. I love capturing the pure moments and not so much the posed shots. I just love seeing my images come to life. When an image has a life of its own and can stand on its own, that’s when I know it’s done right. 
Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine
Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine


Black Chalk – Would you say that your passion to experience life leads you to create such amazing images?
Yia Yang – Yes, 100%! Yes it has, especially when I was introduced to birds or prey and a whole different world in 2009.
Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine
Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine


Black Chalk – I know that creating such stunning images can be challenging. Can you tell me some fun stories?
Yia Yang – Fun stories… I don’t know if this is one considered fun, but we almost started a fire while using smoke bombs once, it was super windy that day, and there was a fire ban also. The time I shot Wonder Woman, a bus full of young girls came running up to us and tackled Wonder Woman, asking a million questions… probably one of the best moments ever, but I really thought they were going to hurt my model… There was also that one time I took a fairy down to a local flower park and we met a piglet… Another time my model started drifting away in knee high water, because the tides were a little too strong for her tiny self. 
Black Chalk – What was ‘the moment’ for you when you realized that you really made it as an artist? 

Yia Yang – When I first sold a photo for a book cover a few years back. I sold the images to A.W. Exley – http://awexley.com/books/the-artifact-hunters-series/

Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine
Yia Yang, Dreaming Reality / Black Chalk Magazine


Black Chalk – What advice do you have for aspiring photographers?
Yia Yang – My advice for aspiring photographers is to create your own style, be inspired by others, but remember to stand out on your own. The world may not be ready for you yet, but your time will come and the results from that are much better for your own growth as an artist. It’s an amazing feeling when someone knows who the artist is just by looking at the image.